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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Week 1

You may be wondering what the "day 1" part of the title means...well, it's day 1 of BED REST! FML. That's right, I went for (what I thought would be) a routine Dr. appt yesterday to do my glucose tolerance test and was taken back to the sonogram room.
Am I weird b/c I actually like this drink? :-) Yum!
I was excited b/c we would get to see Baby L again, but while Dr. D was doing the u/s I hear him say "hmmm..." I looked at him and said, "uh, what does that mean? You're freakin' me out." He said it looked like my cervix was a little bit open but he wasn't able to tell by the regular u/s, so he said that he needed to have a transvaginal u/s in order to tell. So that's what we did, and unfortunately he found that my cervical length was 2.7, which apparently isn't so great, so I'm now on strict bedrest at home for the duration of the pregnancy. My orders literally say "bed, couch, and bath", this should be fun. (eyes rolling) Oh, and I should know the results of my glucose test soon, I think.
I was trying to be all "oh, it's no big deal" at first, but then I just lost it and started crying after I began thinking about all the other people it will affect just for me to be on bedrest. So many arrangements will need to be made...all I can do is take it one step at a time. I have a ton of support from family, friends, and my IPs, but it's just tough, for me especially, because for the most part I like to get things done on my own and not have to rely on others; so this experience will teach me a lot, I'm sure.

Anyway, I'm glad to say that we've made it to 27 weeks today and pray that we have many, MANY, more weeks to come! Good news is that the baby looked great at the appointment and he's growing right on track and moving all around! So that makes me feel good. I will now also have to see the Dr WEEKLY, so we'll be able to monitor my cervix closely and hopefully there will be no changes anytime soon.

Here's our 27 week pic and hoping that we'll have at least 11-12 more of these!



Mark said...

"Transvaginal"? Are you trying to turn me off? Seriously, I'm gay for a reason. I don't need to be hearing about all this stuff. Do you see me using words like Transvaginal and Cervical? Wouldn't that be weird if I did. Now I'm on a mission to see how I can fit those words into one of my post.
Seriously though, I do hope the time flies quickly for you. You're a little over 10 weeks away, right?
Wishing you the best!

Your Friend, m.

paradykes said...

Ahhhh Crap!!! I'm sorry about the bedrest. You and your IPs will be in my prayers. Hopefully your time will fly by and you'll have no additional changes to your cervix.

Andrea said...

Oh no!!!!! Not what I was expecting to read. So sorry girl!! I hope this passes quickly for you. Hugs!!

whitney said...


Babydreams2011 said...

Krystal!! :( I am keeping you in prayer girlie and hoping that cervix closes right on up at your next visit.. You can do this!

Mark- LOL!! Your comment had me dying laughing!

Jeni said...

Poor thing! That really sucks, but you can do it!!!! Just think of all the blogging you can do! Hourly reports! LOL! Thinking about you, girl and hoping this time goes smoothly and swiftly! XOXO

Jeni said...

P.S. I love the glucose drink too! Actually looking forward to it next week! Haha!!

Surrogate, Single Parent and Dating... said...

Girllllll....I'm so so sorry. Let me know what I can do and I'm there. i'll come get the girls whenever, Tay always needs a playdate. Praying for your sanity!

Kelli said...

I know I already told you on AAS, but you can do it! You're doing an awesome job, and I'm sure that will continue. (((hugs))) At least you can stay out of the insane heat. :)

Oh, and I like the glucose drink too.

Jeni said...

Been thinking about you Krystal...hope you're doing well with the bed rest. Just wanted to let you know...I do a hell of a lot of layin' around myself, so we can be bored buddies if you want! E-mail? Texts? Facebook? You lemme know!

Ashley said...

Oh no, Krystal!!!! I didn't expect this at all... you were doing SO well! I know how much bedrest sucks and it just proves how great of a mom you are by worrying about everyone else it is effecting. I remember having a complete breakdown when the doctor gave me that kind of news and all I remember worrying about was my children and how much they were going to suffer because of it. But you know what? We all got through it and everything was just fine. You can do it girl... we are all here to support you.

Anonymous said...

what a bummer krystal! i know how boring bedrest can be, but keeping that baby cooking is well worth the bore! :) hope the time passes quickly!

Jeff and Kevin said...

I'm so far behind. This sucks but you are super strong and can do it. Give hubby our props too bc I'm sure he's gonna be waiting on you like a servant to Cleopatra :)
Good luck. If you haven't been watching True Blood get a couple seasons of that on DVD to pass the time. Only when the kida are gone tho!
Thinking of you-