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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Week one of bedrest

Well where do I start?
How about today's Dr. went very well. My cervix is the same, 2.7, and there's less funneling than last week's appointment, so that's great! (And I'm assuming my glucose test was okay b/c I never heard anything else about it and totally forgot to ask about it today, woohoo, I can still have my Fruit Loops!) The bedrest is doing what it's supposed to...including driving me batty! Thankfully I have a great family, friends, and IPs that are incredibly supportive. I don't know what I'd do without all of them.
My BFF has been coming by during the week to keep me entertained, watch movies, bring me lunch...and fix my hair...((warning)) you'll see that picture later! My mom took the girls on vacation from Thursday until Sunday, so that was a reprieve, but I missed my little terrors :-) They had such a great time, I *almost* wished I was able to go, but it's just too damn hot! My granny has been here everyday too, to watch the girls during the day and to help bring me breakfast and lunch. She's the best granny ever!! And my IPs came down last night, brought us some yummy dinner and hooked me up with Netflix! (And brought some pretty flowers too) I guess I can't really say I'm too bored anymore with all the movies and TV shows that are on Netflix, it's pretty cool.
And I certainly can't forget the hubby. He's been great too; I know it's hard for him to juggle everything, but he's taking it in stride and I love him so much for all the sacrafices and transitions he's had to make.

I'm not gonna lie, bedrest is a bitch! And I hate it, but I know it's for the best so you just do what cha gotta do, ya know? As long as there's a healthy baby boy at the end of this journey, then I'm happy and the bedrest is totally worth it. (But good Lord, its only been a week! AAHHH! :-) )

So here's what I'd like to call "Bedrest in pictures"..enjoy:
My fav breakfast...Fruit Loops!!!

My 5 year old thought it would help me pass time if we played dolls...
This woman scared me...

This is the day they left for vacation with "Nannie"
Around day 3, I decided that I no longer wanted to do my hair or anything else that required me to give a crap about my appearance. (hey, I warned you)
My BFF quickly decided that I needed not to look like I just escaped from prison and went on a meth binge. Thank God for girlfriends.

Oh, my dear friend...SMH...

Apparently I was born as few years after this movie came out, so the title definitely had me do a double take. Hey, don't judge me, you know your mind went there too!
I asked hubby to bring me some grapes...he fell asleep. Can't blame him, he's been doing a lot. ♥

The home health agency sent over this nifty contraction monitoring device. I monitor for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. So far, so good!
Fun times. I got my 2 steroid shots to help mature the baby's lungs in case I do go into labor early (which will not happen!!) OMG, I never knew it could take so long to inject a medicine...torture!

Here's Baby's L's heartbeat from when the home health nurse came by. Isn't it the greatest sound? :-)
That's about all right now. All is well and lets hope it stays that way! Feel free to send over a massage therapist at anytime...laying around all day really takes a toll on your back, ugh!

P.S. Thank you to all of my online friends as well. You have all been super supportive and have allowed me to vent and whine all I want, and I really appreciate it!



Mark said...

Oh my, there's so much here. And after that photo of the "un-did" hair, I was totally thrown off. Yes, you did warn me but still...
What you are doing for these future parents is incredible. And now, please accept the compliment. You will be remembered forever for your weeks of bed rest. I know that I will remember you for this.
Your Friend, m.

Heidi said...

Hang in there girl! Some days I would give anything to just lie down and "bedrest", but after having been there for 9 weeks...bedrest is awful. I'm glad you have a good support system. That's so important! Take care of yourself.

Jeni said...

One week down!!! Keep up the good work!

P.S.If you're ever can just give them your pre-makeover pic! Save them some time! lol!!

Babydreams2011 said...

Girrrrrl... That mugshot.. wooweee! LOL!! I was like Krystal done got arrested! hehehe.. YAY for one week down! Your girls are super adorable.. So glad your cervix is cooperating, that precious lil boy is gonna be A-OK! You are doing soo good Krystal! You are a true Angel.. Keeping you in prayers ladybug! xoxo

Kelli said...

I'm glad things are going well for you and your cervix is cooperating. I had to laugh at your mug shot, though! That's too funny! You didn't even try in that pic, did you? :)Hilarious.

Keep it up and hope the time flies by!

whitney said...

hey! one week down!! woohoo!! sorry my PM was so short -- my brother was in town and i was all over the place. i still feel like i have soo much crap to do and not enough time. shoot me an email or give me yours :)

Surrogate, Single Parent and Dating... said...

girl, this post cracked me up...but made me feel awful for you too. So so sorry. Please let me know if you need anything and hang in are doing great!! And LMAO at the mugshot!