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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Say hello to my little friend...

I like to call him "Chum Bucket". He has saved the interior of my newly shampooed car numerous times and for that, I love Mr. Chum. I also love Kevin for purchasing, said, Mr. Chum for the car and also one for the bedside...Kev is the best know it's true love when he buys you TWO puke buckets!

Anywho, we had another sonogram on Tuesday...when I got there the receptionist said "oh your appointment is tomorrow". Say what?! I don't know where the communication went awry, but I had even confirmed my appointment for Tuesday so I just told her we'd wait anyway (and hoped it wouldn't be too long).
Y'all...I kid you not, this lady that came and sat RIGHT next to me....smelled like 57 cats. I seriously almost puked...Mr. Chum was nowhere in sight and I didn't know how much longer I could hold it. The waiting room was full. No. More. Seats.....
Then, just in time, my IPs arrived and at the same time people were being called back, which freed up 3 seats... Thank you sweet baby Jesus! Needless to say I moved to sit by my IPs...(and to secretly get away from cat lady).
We didn't have to wait too long, about 30 minutes and then we got to see the precious "peanut".
He/She was visibly bigger already! It was pretty cool to see! Of course, my IPs were amazed, as was I. Heart rate was a strong 157 and baby is measuring 1 day ahead. YAY! I always get nervous before sonograms, don't know why, but I'm pleased to say all is well. ☺♥
We will have another u/s on the 18th, I'll be 10w3d and then I'll be released to my regular doctor!

In other very exciting news....... my last shot is on the 15th!!!!!!! 12 more days...Woop woop!! My rear will be very happy and I know Kevin will be too; he doesn't like giving the shots...I'd like to give him a shot every night to see if he likes that better. ☺

That's all I've got for now peeps! I'll keep ya updated.

P.S. Happy 8 weeks to us!! ☺♥


Babydreams2011 said...

Awesome news!! So glad things are going great! Cmon 12 days and get here already!!!

Michael said...

Hooray for all sorts of good news and a cute picture.

Tiffany said...

Sounds like some intense m/s, hope it subsides for you soon. Yay to a good appt and double yay for stopping meds in just another weeks time.