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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The wait is over!

....or so we thought!
Waited all day for beta results yesterday, got a call at 5:30 just to say the lab ran the wrong fkn test! They ran a qualitative (which just tells you yes or no, if you're pregnant) instead of a quantitative, which gives you your 'beta number'. The nurse said "we at least know you're pregnant", but she was pissed. 

 *Silver lining* I got to at least tell my IM that they are gonna be parents! She was silent at first and then started crying (happy tears, of course). So YAY!!!! I'm preggo and my IPs will be better known as Mommy & Daddy soon! ♥ ☺

The lab had to rerun my blood from yesterday, today, and the clinic called me around 3pm and said my beta was 87! That's a great number considering I was a few hours shy of 8dpt! I will go for a repeat beta tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that the number continues to increase!

On another note, I'm still feeling crampy and it's kinda bothersome! I think it may be a side effect from the PIO shots?? I'm also having lower back pain...I'll be so glad when these shots are over, my ass is so sore!! I can barely walk without a limp and it's nearly impossible to sleep on my side these days. All for a good cause though, so I'll take it! ☺

See ya tomorrow, peeps!


Andrea said...

Yaaay!! Congrats to you and your IPs!!!

whitney said...

Omg so happy for you all!!!!

Anonymous said...


Babydreams2011 said...

YAY!!!! I knew eating that LIFE cereal was the key!!!

Michael said...

I'm so behind on reading my blogs and I missed some great posts. Happy to catch up with such wonderful news. Congratulations.