13 weeks! We've made it to the 2nd trimester, yay!! Apparently this is the time when fatigue and nausea should be subsiding....we'll see about that. I'm sooooo ready to feel "normal" again. I know Kevin will be happy when I'm able to at least go grocery shopping; he's been doing all of my normal things around the house and although I kinda enjoy not having to venture out to the store every week, I'll be glad to take that off of his plate. ☺
This week 'Baby D' is the size of a plum! I'm ready for our 1st OB appt!!! It's not until the 15th and time seems to be moving so slow to get there!!! I just wanna check in on the little peanut and make sure everything is okay, which I'm sure all is well, but it's just nice to see on an ultrasound, ya know?
Fetus Size
Your baby is about the size of a plum during week 13.
LENGTH: 3.0 in / 7.62 cm
WEIGHT: 0.9 oz / 25.5 g
As soon as this sickness is over with we'll be planning a trip to visit the little guy and his parents and I can't wait! I'm so, so grateful that they still keep me updated on how he's doing. I'm really lucky. I know a lot of other surros that don't even get so much as a 'thanks' after the baby arrives.
Until next time, I'll leave you with some serious cuteness and TTYL peeps!
Happy Halloween! |
Happy 2nd b-day!! (Farm animal party theme) |
Love ♥♥ |
he's adorable krystal! hope you're feeling better soon!
That shark costume is priceless.
Wow!! Going by so quickly. I hope the 2nd trimester starts treating you better.
Awwwww, I'm just seeing this now. That's my adorable baby! We love you, K!
Your first IM:)
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