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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

15 weeks!

A what? I'm guessing that's bigger than a Roma tomato...whatevs. And why are all baby growth references in food terms anyway? Why can't it be "this week baby is as big as a light bulb...or a hairbrush....nevermind, guess that doesn't work either.
Anywho....we're 15 weeks now! ☺ I'm starting to feel a little less craptastic and more like my normal self....thank GAWD! Not quite 100%, but waaaay better than I have been. Right on time too 'cause I'm ready to eat a whole buncha Thanksgiving food! Mmm Mmmm! Pregnant woman's paradise...
Still experiencing heartburn/acid reflux, but I pop a few Tums religiously and they help.

Not much else to report on the preggo front...pretty boring stuff going on (which we like).

On another note, today is my IP's 14th anniversary! Also, my IM's birthday is on Saturday.♥ I hope they get to enjoy their day or maybe their weekend....because this time next year they'll be changing diapers and wiping up baby puke to celebrate! ☺

Until next time...TTYL!

Friday, November 15, 2013

"Hi Mom & Dad!"

I LOVE this u/s pic! Looks like baby is waving to mommy & daddy ♥
We had our 1st OB appt this morning! It was quick, but a good appointment. Everything looks great and Dr said just keep doing what I'm doing.☺ The parents were so excited! IM's face just lights up, I love it! We'll go back in 4 weeks, Dec 13th. (Hopefully we'll find out the baby's gender at that appointment!)

That's all for now. TTYL!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

14 weeks!

I *might* be to the promise land, folks! I haven't puked in almost 24 hours...this is a big accomplishment! ☺ This morning is the 1st morning that I've felt semi-normal for more than 10 minutes (knock on wood!) I'm hoping this is a sign that the pukefest is soon-to-be over and I can resume life as a normal, craving everything, pregnant woman.
     ---My friend sent me this pregnancy calendar my Alpha Mom that is hilarious! It sounds like she must be reading my mind. Here's her take (and mine) on week 14:
"Ah, the second trimester. I love you so, second trimester. Even though I still have a few lone symptoms of misery that haven’t yet left me completely, I do remember the unadulterated joy that comes with suddenly realizing that you totally don’t feel like warmed-over ass 100% of the time! It’s only, like, 43% of the time now! Hooray! ‘Tis a pregnancy miracle." ♥ ♥ My thoughts exactly!

There does seem to be a little give and take here though...perhaps the puking has subsided, but now I have heartburn/indigestion. Joy. It's definitely no fun, but I'd rather have the heartburn.
Oh! There's one other thing I forgot to's kind of weird and freaks me out, but I seem to be producing more saliva than needed. Ewww, I know. For real though...I literally have to carry around a spit cup. (Apparently yet another side effect of pregnancy that I didn't know about) *Please let this end soon, too*

Anywho, enough of my weird pregnancy side effects; on to baby business! We have our 1st OB appointment on Friday and I can't wait! I'm not sure what all will be involved, but I imagine we will get an ultrasound done; I'm ready to see how much the little guy/girl has grown!
Apparently the baby is  the size of a lemon this week:
Week 14 baby fetus size lemon
LENGTH: 3.51 in / 8.92 cm
WEIGHT: 1.60 oz / 45.4 g

I tried to warn the OB's office that I'd be rollin' with an entourage to the appointment, but I don't think they quite understand. I've talked to 2 people there and told them that I'm a surrogate and they just kind of go silent or go "oh, uh huh, ok"...whatevs. Guess they'll see when I'm there with 3 other people!

I'll update you on Friday! Until then, I'll leave you with a belly pic (Well 2, cuz I forgot one last week!) TTYL!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

13 weeks & a VERY special birthday!

13 weeks! We've made it to the 2nd trimester, yay!! Apparently this is the time when fatigue and nausea should be subsiding....we'll see about that. I'm sooooo ready to feel "normal" again. I know Kevin will be happy when I'm able to at least go grocery shopping; he's been doing all of my normal things around the house and although I kinda enjoy not having to venture out to the store every week, I'll be glad to take that off of his plate. ☺
This week 'Baby D' is the size of a plum! I'm ready for our 1st OB appt!!! It's not until the 15th and time seems to be moving so slow to get there!!! I just wanna check in on the little peanut and make sure everything is okay, which I'm sure all is well, but it's just nice to see on an ultrasound, ya know?
Week 13 baby fetus size plum
Fetus Size
Your baby is about the size of a plum during week 13.

LENGTH: 3.0 in / 7.62 cm
WEIGHT: 0.9 oz / 25.5 g
So, in other exciting 1st little surro guy turned 2 last month! Can you believe it???? I can't. He is so dang cute too! I didn't get to make it to his b-day party because of being so sick, didn't wanna be a party pooper (or party puker, in this case). I was bummed, especially when I saw all the cute pics; it looked like he had a great time!
As soon as this sickness is over with we'll be planning a trip to visit the little guy and his parents and I can't wait! I'm so, so grateful that they still keep me updated on how he's doing. I'm really lucky. I know a lot of other surros that don't even get so much as a 'thanks' after the baby arrives.

Until next time, I'll leave you with some serious cuteness and TTYL peeps!
Happy Halloween!

Happy 2nd b-day!! (Farm animal party theme)

Love ♥♥

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween, 12 weeks & other stuff

Hey peeps! (I wrote this on Halloween, but got kinda bad!)
As I count down the minutes until I get a Snickers, I figured I'd update you! ☺

We are now 12 weeks....almost into the 2nd trimester. Thank goodness!! Hopefully the puke fest will end by then.
I don't have much to report on the baby front this week; probably won't until we have our 1st OB appointment, which is on November 15th....can't get here fast enough!!
As referenced above, I'm still feeling pretty sick, but I've had more moments when I feel at least semi-normal, so I'll take that when I can get it!
Still eating whatever will stay down and still pretty tired most days....
My latest cravings have been pancakes, pot roast, and pickles. I guess the letter of the week was 'P'.

I also attended a surrogate get-together this past Sunday. It was nice to see the other ladies; I love how friendships are formed through this journey. We went to Babe's Chicken (which is really yummy!)...perhaps I was being a bit ambitious, but dammit I'm tired of being cooped up and puking! I was doing fine until about 3 minutes after I was done eating....had to make a mad dash for the restroom. The food was good while it lasted :\
Lots of babies from this group of ladies! :)
As for baby, according to the world wide web, "Baby D" is the size of a lime....if only that were true for my tummy :\
Week 12 baby fetus size lime
Fetus Size
Your baby is about the size of a lime during week 12.

LENGTH: 2.3 in / 5.8 cm
WEIGHT: 0.51 oz / 14.4 g

And here's some weekly progression pics for ya! TTYL!