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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Everything is GOOD!!!! ☺

Went for my follow-up on Monday, after Saturday's scare, and everything looked just fine. Whew! The little bean is measuring right on track and the heart rate was 127 bpm. Such a HUGE sigh of relief after that appointment! I talked to my IM after the appointment and could hear the relief in her voice; I was so glad I could call and give her good news!
The part that's a little bothersome, at least to me anyway, is that there's no real reason for the bleeding. No straight answer, just "this is common in IVF"...that really sucks, but I guess the silver lining is that it's not uncommon and other women have gone through it and continued on with a healthy pregnancy.

So anywho, we're 7 weeks now!! ☺ I'm still nauseous, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was in the past, so it's a bit easier to manage. The Reglan (nausea/vomiting med) that the Dr gave me doesn't seem to help, just makes me super sleepy so I only take it a night now. I took it during the day on Monday and damn near hit my head on the keyboard at work from falling asleep! (Oops!)

Here's the deets on the little one this week:

Pregnancy Month 2 Photo This week baby is undergoing some extraordinary changes and developments. The head, heart, spinal cord, and some of the larger blood vessels begin to form. As these blood vessels form, the heart begins to pump fluid through them, and your baby's first red blood cells are created. Baby is about 7 - 9 mm or 0.27 - 0.35 inches in length, (approximately the size of a grain of rice), and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce - less than a breath mint. Baby's brain, bladder, tongue and esophagus are all developing and transforming, while his eyes are moving to the front of the face and his tiny eyelids are forming. The bones of his tiny limbs have started to form and all of your baby's major organs - heart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs and pancreas -- are forming and growing. In fact, your baby actually goes through 3 sets of kidneys during development with this week's development, being the second set.
Both the hand plates and the genital tubercle are present this week, but you can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl by sight at this point. Nasal pits are also forming. In your womb, your baby has already become active swimming around inside the amniotic sac and kicking. However, as he's much too small and well-cushioned by the uterus and the new amniotic fluid you won't be able to feel him yet. But don't worry. In a few months you'll be able to feel him constantly.

This time next year M&P will have a 19 week old baby! Time flies! ☺

TTYL Peeps!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Smiles & Scares

Friday's ultrasound went great! We saw one gestational sac and we got to see AND hear the heartbeat! Heart rate was 115 bpm and the little bean was measuring 6w4d (about 2 days ahead). 
My IPs were so excited!! We all were! 
Fast forward to the next day (Saturday)...I was taking Kourtlyn to get her hair cut and I felt a gush...I looked down and noticed blood. No bueno. 
Thankfully we were about a block from the hospital so we turned around and went straight there. 
At the hospital, they started an IV on me, took some blood and urine samples and did another ultrasound. I was losing quite a bit of blood at this point too. It was very scary having all this going on and not having any answers. 
The ultrasound and bloodwork came back fine; baby still had heartbeat (114 bpm) and was still measuring 6w4d. One test did come back showing that I have a  UTI so they gave me an antibiotic for that. The part that sucks though is not knowing...they couldn't give me a straight answer as to why I started bleeding all of a sudden. They just said that I need to follow up with my doctor. :( So I've been in the bed (literally) for the past 2 days, just taking it easy. I'll be calling the clinic tomorrow to try to get in for another sonogram and beta sometime during the week. I hate this feeling. And I hate for my IPs to be worried...why can't everything just go smoothly??!! 
Please pray that everything will be okay at the follow up. I will keep you updated and thank you all for your encouraging words throughout this process, it really means a lot. 



Thursday, September 19, 2013

Like clockwork...

...hit the 6 week mark yesterday and BAM, upchuck time! :\ I've been feeling queasy the past couple days, but that was the extent of it until last night. That veggie sandwich didn't stand a chance staying down (nice visual, right?)...I'd hate for y'all to feel left out ☺
I've been drinking ginger tea, but it doesn't seem to be doing the trick anymore. The nausea gets worse in the evenings...Honestly, there's probably not much that will actually help at this point, since I get hyperemesis gravidarum. :-( I'm hoping that the sickness won't be so extreme this time, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

On a happier note, we have our 1st sonogram tomorrow @ 4:15 and we are all very excited!! (Hopefully I don't puke!) ☺ I'll keep ya updated.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Final beta results

Can't believe I forgot to post! (My bad)
We got our final beta results on Thursday:

17dp6dt - 4043
10dp - 191
8dp - 87

Looking good!! Our 1st ultrasound is this Friday the 20th at excited!!! And I promise to update sooner :) 

Started feeling a little queasy today, but my IM gave me a recipe for ginger tea that I'm gonna try and hopefully that will help. *Keeping my fingers crossed* 

TTYL peeps! 


Monday, September 9, 2013

My ASS hurts!

Like for real...

Son of a B*&$% mother$%(*$&% Fkn $h!+! Stupid $(&#$_@_  PIO shots are the mother$)%& DEVIL!!

I've done all the "tricks", heat, rubbing, praying to sweet baby Jesus! Nothing works anymore!!! I can't sleep comfortably and I'd rather use a 'Hover 'Round' than walk. And there's still 5 more weeks of this shit!?!?! Hell to the no!

Ok, I'm done.

Have a Sunshine Day!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Beta #2

Decided to go to a different lab this morning since Tuesday's lab person was apparently not the brightest in running the proper test...

Maybe not such a great idea...from the time I walked in, it was pretty much downhill. It was crowded, had to wait 45 minutes, the receptionist apparently didn't understand who to charge the labs to so she had to call the Dr's office to double-check, then when I finally get called back, the phlebotomist (we'll call her Shanaynay) didn't understand what kind of labs I needed to have run. Lawd Jevus!
I had to walk her through... "ok, Tuesday your company ran the wrong test, but today I need you to run a QUANTITATIVE HCG on me".....Her response "Ooooohhh....ok....I'm in da wrong screen den, lemme get outta dis"  *insert mean thoughts here*
Then she says, "well, da orders don't tell me how much blood to draw so imma just do 2 vials" Whatever. Better safe than sorry at this point. At least I can say she did a good job in not making me her human pin cushion. (see...always a silver lining :\ )

So anywho, after that mess I went to work and thank the heavens I didn't have to wait until midnight to get results this time! Clinic called at 1:30 and my beta is 191 today! Quick recap: 1st beta was 87, on Tuesday so today's is a little more than doubled and that's GREAT news! (PS I'm 10dpt)

Our next beta will be next Thursday Sept 12th and the ultrasound will be around the 20th! (I'll be 6w4d preggo then) ☺

I'm so excited for my IPs!!!!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The wait is over!

....or so we thought!
Waited all day for beta results yesterday, got a call at 5:30 just to say the lab ran the wrong fkn test! They ran a qualitative (which just tells you yes or no, if you're pregnant) instead of a quantitative, which gives you your 'beta number'. The nurse said "we at least know you're pregnant", but she was pissed. 

 *Silver lining* I got to at least tell my IM that they are gonna be parents! She was silent at first and then started crying (happy tears, of course). So YAY!!!! I'm preggo and my IPs will be better known as Mommy & Daddy soon! ♥ ☺

The lab had to rerun my blood from yesterday, today, and the clinic called me around 3pm and said my beta was 87! That's a great number considering I was a few hours shy of 8dpt! I will go for a repeat beta tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed that the number continues to increase!

On another note, I'm still feeling crampy and it's kinda bothersome! I think it may be a side effect from the PIO shots?? I'm also having lower back pain...I'll be so glad when these shots are over, my ass is so sore!! I can barely walk without a limp and it's nearly impossible to sleep on my side these days. All for a good cause though, so I'll take it! ☺

See ya tomorrow, peeps!