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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Monday, June 27, 2011

Happy Birthday, Princess!

* Not surrogacy related, but wanted to share* ☺

My not-so-little Princess turns 9 today!! I can't believe she's NINE already! Where does the time go?
We had her {spa} party yesterday and it was super fun! Even the adults enjoyed themselves, which is always good.

Here's a few pics from the party

The set up for facials

Nothing better than a cucumber facial and hot towel ☺
Pedis & manis!
Serious business picking out colors

Being SERVED fruit, cheese, & crackers. The girls weren't quite sure how to handle this, lol.

Then they headed to the makeup station (not the best pic, I know, but you get the idea )

Glamour Girls!

Make a wish...

Party's over...nice and relaxed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're never too old to be my Princess!♥♥


whitney said...

adorable! i would kill for a mani pedi and a slice of that cake ;-)

Kelli said...

Looked like a lot of fun! :)

Surrogate, Single Parent and Dating... said...

so glad we were a part of it!! :) Had lots of fun!

Mark said...

That Hot Pink cake had some major flames to it. Happy Belated Birthday to your no so little one. Soon you'll be fighting over the same jeans.
Your Friend, m.