Anywho, I just wanted to share that, since it made me chuckle.
Here's a pic of my "Little Princess"
And just because, here's a pic of my "Big Princess" ☺
On the surro front, our NT scan was good, no sign of Downs! So hooray for that!! Although, my IP's and I were a little less than enthused by our u/s tech's lack of interest. My IPs and my IM's parents were all at the appointment, so it was obvious that everyone was excited for the chance to see the baby. Well apparently, "Little Miss Sunshine" didn't pick up on that because she came in, put the probe on my tummy, did the measurement, and that was it. Literally. There was no "here's the head, here's the arms...", just a 2 second comment that the measurement was good, printed out a couple "pictures" that looked more like blobs and then she left. My IM's mom was so funny; she was like "well, that was lame!" Lol! Thankfully, the Dr came in and did another u/s and we were able to see more of the baby and even got to see the profile. And baby was moving all around!
We all went to dinner afterward at a yummy Mexican restaurant! Mmmmm!! Baby likes enchiladas! ☺ It was nice to be able to meet my IM's parents and get to chill with everyone. I wish Kevin would have been able to go though. :-(
Anyway, I'll leave you with my 12 week belly shot...I don't think there's any difference from 11 weeks. TTYL!
5 comments: middle kid is WAITING to be able to see the baby move in my tummy...she loves that and thinks its hillarious that I was so huge with her little sister.
Your looking great!!!!
What a cutie!
Hehe, my little guys just called me "fat." :)
Taylen told me "mommy, you're fat" just yesterday!! LOL I would punch anyone else that says that! LOL Can't wait to meet up! You are looking great!
love this post! What a cutie and love the belly pic:)
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