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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Anatomy scan & hospital visit (x2)

This past week was pretty good. I had a get together with some of my surro sisters, we had our anatomy scan, and we went on the hospital Labor & Delivery tour!
Here's a pic from our gtg:
I'm so lucky to have met these ladies! We had a great time and I had a yummy Oreo shake! 

Our Dr appt on Monday went well...aside from the fact that my IPs thought the appt was on the 16th! :-) The lady that wrote down our appt didn't have very good penmanship and it looked like she wrote Jan 16 on the reminder card. After I confirmed it was indeed on the 6th, my IPs made a mad dash for the doctor's office! (Only 30 mins til appt and they were an hour away!) 
My Dr was gracious enough to give them some extra time to get there and they made it! :-)
Ms. B is measuring right on track and weighing about 1lb1oz. And she's quite flexible! She had her feet up by her head!

The hospital tour was after our appt and I think it made things a little more real for my IPs :) The nurse that did the tour was very sweet and I think IPs got all of their questions answered. 

The next day I randomly woke up vomiting and wasn't able to keep anything down, even water. So I ended up going to the hospital to get checked out. They couldn't do much, but did monitor baby and contractions. (Thankfully, no contractions!) They gave me some anti-nausea meds and told me to stay hydrated and rest. It lasted about 2 days, but now I'm back to normal. :) Thank goodness it wasn't the flu...I think I had a stomach bug :\

So anywho, that's all that's happened this week. Kind of eventful; hopefully the next few weeks will be nice and quiet. 

Until next time, here's my 22 week belly shot :) TTYL! 

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Love the update! You look absolutely adorable!