Shhhh! y'all hear that? It's
me singing "Hallelujah"! Nevermind that my pitch is off and voice is cracking, just sing along with me! 'CAUSE I'M OFF OF BEDREST!!!
64 Days of bedrest...that's 1,536 hours...or 92,160 minutes...or...well, you get it. Now, I know I'm not the World record holder for amount of time on bedrest, but that's a pretty long damn time and not that I actually have anything else better to do than to lie around, but it's just nice to
know that if I wanted to I could go to the store or visit a friend, ya know?
Well, I did actually get to do something today. It was "Muffins with Mom" day at Kailey's school, so this morning Kourtlyn and I got to have muffins and juice with Kailey, yay! ☺♥
Here we are (My puffy face and all)...and nevermind that evil lookin' kid in the background, lol. |
Since my post last week we've had some "excitement"...well, I wouldn't really call it excitement because to me that means fun, and this was by no means fun! On Sunday I woke up with a really puffy face and hands, along with a headache, I could barely bend my fingers to make a fist. So I called my Dr. to see if I needed to do anything and he told me to go straight to L&D. That caught me off guard, to say the least. His exact words were "go to L&D, you are showing signs of pre-eclampsia."
Scary. Kevin & the girls were still asleep, so I called my mom and she came to pick me up. In L&D my BP was elevated (not good), so they drew labs and checked for protein in my urine (sorry if TMI). All the labs came back normal, thank goodness, my BP was still a little high, but they let me go home. (Well, they let me go home with a 24hr urine collection bucket, yay)
I followed up with my Dr the next day (at this point I was feeling like $#!+) and my BP was still high. So after the longest appointment ever, which consisted of about 90% WAITING (appt was @ 9:45am, left ofc @ 1:30pm), I was wheeled back down to L&D to have my BP monitored and labs drawn again! Everything came back normal again and my BP was finally back down. On the flip side, I was still feeling like caca because apparently I had contracted a stomach virus from my dear ol' hubby!
So after 3 days of feeling like I was having crack withdrawals, I'm finally feeling normal. Well, as normal as an 8 1/2 month pregnant person can feel. (And btw, no, I have no experience going thru drug withdrawals, but I've seen it on TV ((lol)) and I'm tellin' ya, that's what I looked like, no joke)
My Dr wants to see me twice a week now though, just to keep an eye on my BP, so I have another appointment tomorrow.
So here we are at 36 weeks!! I can't believe we're so close now!!! Now I'm gettin' nervous! :\
Sooooo happy for you that you're off bed rest! Way to get the job done! 36 weeks! Man! You are so close!! Congratulations my dear! :)
congratulations...scary with the L&D visit...glad all is well. take care...
Hurray!!! You are "FREE" LOL! So glad bedrest is over, but I hope you just take it easy anyway, don't scare me with the blood pressure! You are almost there girlie! I almost spit my coffee out on the crack withdrawals! hahahaha!
My body is puffy too! I wonder if I have pre-eclampsia? Do you think I should make an appointment with an OBGYN or give it a couple of days?
Congrats on getting out of bed. What, two/three weeks to go? I won't know what to write to you once you have this baby.
Sorry for the l&d scare!! You're so close!!!! Yay!
What all of you surrogates out there go through is so incredible. I know your IPs are lucky to have you taking such great care with their baby. Hopefully the next few weeks will be drama free.
i knew you could do it!!! a positive attitude does really go along way now let's hope the pre-e scare is over and this lil man can come out safe on his own terms!!! congrats - you're awesome :)
WOW! I can NOT believe you are almost done! This pregnancy has flown by (well for me) lol Your belly is amazing and you are so beautiful xoxo
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