I have no excuse. Just laziness.
Good news though! (see, no news IS good news!) Yes, I'm STILL pregnant :) (This is seriously the longest pregnancy ever...I'm sure I've been knocked up with this one for at least 527 days)
So here's a quick(ish) update of all that's happened since I last posted:<-- --horrible="" horrible="" i="" know.="" nbsp="" p="">
- I passed the glucose screening, so yay! No gestational diabetes.
- We had MaterniT21 testing done (rules out any chromosomal abnormalities) and everything came back perfectly!
- I started going to the chiropractor on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and it has made a world of difference!
- I also started sleeping in our recliner around 28 weeks. I did this with the last pregnancy and although I hate having that big ass recliner crowding up my room, man is it comfy! It also helps me not to have horrible acid reflux because I'm sleeping at an incline.
- I've gained a total of 18lbs (well, as of 3 weeks ago). I'm almost 100% certain that I've gained 50lbs since that appointment. (I go back this week)
- The parents sent some recordings of them talking to "Snow", so he gets to listen to them and learn their voices. ♥
- The dreaded "morning" AKA all day sickness finally subsided around 18 weeks BUT now I'm having digestive issues. (see, I'm old!) So, I'm going to try some probiotics.
We have another (routine) OB appt this Thursday and the IPs are flying in, so afterward, we are going to the hospital so that they can take the grand tour. That's always exciting to me!
I'll leave you with all of my bump pics up 'til now. TTYL!