Scenario: I'm walking through the office and a coworker says "so, how ya' feeling?" I say "good, just a little tired."
Here it comes.............. "Well you signed up for it"
What. The. Fuck. is that supposed to mean?? Like, just because I volunteered to carry a child for someone means that I'm supposed to be sunshine & unicorns all the damn time?
I *might* be okay with this comment if I'd only heard it once, but it seems to be a common thread among complete idiots.
Lemme tell you something, people, just because I "signed up for this" does not exclude me from feeling the normal pains and emotions that come with ALL pregnancies! I'm growing a friggin HUMAN inside my body for Pete's sake! Do you think that's always going to be comfortable?!
I would say that it's my pregnancy hormones that are making me this angry, but truth be told, I'd likely say these things regardless. Sometimes people are just idiots. Plain and simple.
Moral of the story: Please don't make that statement in my presence. You may receive a slap to the back of the head.
End rant.
Back to Unicorns & Rainbows:
55(+/-) days left today!!! I'm hoping for the (-) side of things, maybe more like 50 days left? My IF says 48 days, I'll take it! ☺
I'm not ready for the pregnancy to be over per say, I'm just ready to feel "normal" again. I get pretty tired these days and it's harder to sleep. I've also been having quite a bit of lower back pain. My IPs are so sweet, they gave me a gift card to get a massage, so hopefully after I get a massage this weekend the back pain will be minimized.
Fetus Size
Baby is about the size of a pineapple during week 32.
LENGTH: 17.04 in
WEIGHT: 3.81 lb
Everything else is going great; nothing much to report, which is good ☺
We have an appointment on Friday morning that should be pretty quick and easy. We're hoping that the OB can give us an idea of Ms. B's size and position at this appointment. I should probably go pre-register at the hospital after that appointment as well. Might as well get that out of the way so they're not asking me a bajillion questions when I'm actually in labor!
I'll keep ya posted, TTYL!