FINALLY GOT OUR CONTRACT!!!!! Signed, sealed, delivered! Whew! Thank goodness that's done and over with, geez!
Thankful that all that drama was behind me, I called the clinic, as instructed, once AF came and they were supposed to call in the Rx for BCPs. Simple, right? WRONG.
The nurse coordinator at the clinic proceeded to tell me "oh, we're not gonna start you on birth control just yet, your IPs haven't chosen a donor" SAY WHAT!? I told her that she must be mistaken because my IPs told me in February that they'd chosen a donor and got it all squared away, but she was insistent that there was no donor. Grrrrrr!!!!!! So I emailed my IPs asking what was going on and I texted my agency coordinator. After a bunch of back and forth, what it boiled down to was miscommunication. Go figure. From my understanding, the agency hadn't sent over the donor's info to the clinic, so the clinic was unaware that my IPs had, indeed, secured a donor.
So, I finally got my BCPs and am now awaiting our calendar, but from what I'm told, we should be having a transfer some time in July, around the 16th. **Fingers crossed** I'm so excited!! Well.....not about the huge needles I'm gonna have to stick in my behind, but excited about everything else! ☺ Speaking of which, I'm going to ask the RE if I can do Crinone (progesterone suppositories) instead of the PIO injections. I mean, after all, I DID get preggo last time while I was on Crinone ☺ And when I did have to do PIO, it gave me a horrible side left hip was literally numb for MONTHS after I stopped the shots! It was absolutely horrible; I wasn't sure if the feeling was ever going to come back, but thank goodness it did. I really don't want to have to go through that if there are other options. Ya know?
Enough about that; guess what my super sweet IPs did? They sent a beautiful arrangement of roses to me for Mother's Day!! It was very unexpected and much appreciated.
I can't wait until they can celebrate their own Mother's and Father's Day :) Hopefully soon!!!
I don't really have anything else to report right now. I'm just ready to get things going! We've been moving at a snail's pace and as we all know, I'm not the most patient person on the planet. I know I'm late updating and I promise I'll do better. That's all I got people! Ttyl!