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I'm a wife, mom, and gestational surrogate. I've been blessed to be able to have 2 beautiful daughters of my own and 2 cute little surro babes for IPs. With the support of my WONDERFUL family and friends, I'm doing it again!! Follow me on my journey...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Getting to know me...

So to pass the time I decided to steal a fun idea from one of my surro friend's blogs (A Surrogacy Journey) and do a "getting to know me" post. So here goes...

I L♥VE Beyoncè! She can do no wrong...'nuf said!

Orange juice is my favorite drink, but has to be w/o pulp or it just freaks me out!

I went to college to be a funeral director and embalmer...don't mess with me!

I truly believe that I am a Queen. Don't try to convince me otherwise.

I secretly like Justin Bieber.

♥♥ Today is my anniversary!!!! ♥♥

See, wasn't that fun?! ☺ Did ya learn anything? Maybe I'll have a Part II...I know you'll be eagerly awaiting, lol.

Monday, February 14, 2011

5 days and counting...

Woo hoo!! I'm glad to say that my u/s appointment this morning went well. My lining was 8.4!! I'm so excited! I know some other surros that have had redonkulous lining numbers in the double digits and I secretly curse them because my lining has always been a bit stubborn but today I am happy!
My RE's office wants a lining over 7 and I've surpassed that, so I'm good. :-) And btw, this is the thickest my lining has ever gotten and I'm on way less meds. Maybe that's why; less is more in my case I suppose.
This cycle has been pretty awesome. I've only had to miss one day of work, my IM's ultrasounds and blood work have been coming back great and we get to have a Saturday transfer!
Now we'll just be on pins & needles for my IM's egg retrieval on Wednesday! Ahhhhhhh! **Keeping my fingers crossed**

I'll keep ya posted!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Support group dinner

Before I talk about the dinner, I'll do a quick update.
My IM's u/s yesterday went well, she said that she had more follicles than expected and was very happy about that! If you want to know what I'm talking about when I say "follicles" THIS WEBSITE will be very helpful. I talked to the nurse at the RE's office and she was optimistic as well, she even said that we might have the transfer sooner! That's cool, but I won't bank on anything. You know how this process is a roller coaster! I'm just glad everything seems to be going's kind of too good to be true!

So, on to dinner...

I had a nice dinner last night with a few girls that are with the same agency as me. The director of the agency and a "newly interviewed" potential surrogate was there as well. It was a little awkward at first because we (surrogates) had never met each other before, but that didn't last long.
It was also cool because we were able to bring our husbands along! I wish they would have been able to talk a little more about the husband's perspective on surrogacy, but the director kind of took over most of the conversations, which was a little annoying, but whatever.
Anyway, we went to Del Frisco's in Ft. Worth and it was gooooood! They have a few more locations in other states as well, you should check it out! (That is if you have a few hundred bucks to shell out!) Lol. But seriously, for a "special" occasion, I'd say it's worth it. I'm not a big steak eater, but man, that steak was good! And the sides were the best part!! All I have to say is their jalapeno-bacon mac 'n cheese and au gratin potatoes should be a sin!!
All-in-all, it was a pretty good time and I'm glad Kevin & I went!

Here's all of us! It's a little fuzzy b/c it was dim lighting.
Seriously....only 10 days until possible transfer??!! O.M.G.! :-) 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Appt. today

Today's appointment was uneventful. Had an ultrasound done, my lining was 5.4, which is thin, but was to be expected since I've only been on estrogen for a week.
Anywho...I'll go back for another u/s next Monday.

That's it for today, I'll keep ya posted!
I sure do hate short posts....